Monday 4 May 2015

Tragic Times

The present state of the Church today is a result of the failure of the body of Christ to address the need of the Church. Nobody is standing up to fill the gap left left by the Fathers and so the people suffer, and the nations as well, because the position of elder is now occupied by spiritual adult-Babies.

Nobody wants to pay the price to obtain what the Fathers had, nobody wants to make the sacrifices, everyone is now comfortable with just the assurance of salvation - if any.
The dispensation of men like Pa Babalola, Arch-bishop Benson Idahosa and the likes of them, the dispensation of men who found and carried GOD in places of deep consecration, is now gone and nearly forgotten and what we now see is a generation of Christians who love to eat and drink, while the house of the Father lies in ruins, and as a result of the lack of the manifestation of the Genuine, there is an abundant overflow of the counterfeit.

Why point fingers at that "fake" man of God? Why point out the erroneous teaching of a charlatan? Why accuse? Why analyse? The Problem is ME! The problem is You!! If you had manifested in the fullest capacity of your calling and destiny, there would not be any room for those ones - because light shines in darkness, and darkness comprehendeth it not. The darkness befalling the body of Christ today is as a result of the obvious absence of light.
I'm deeply concerned and sincerely afraid of what the body of Christ will become when it is passed down to this coming generation of Christians - who don't even know the first thing about the Fear of God! The fathers today are leagues ahead and there is none close behind. Where have all the praying women gone? The ones that through faith, received their Children back to life? Where is the day of His power?! Where is even the hunger for His presence?
"Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do you see it now? Is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?" - Haggai 2:3

The reason we're still very excited about the moves of power in the church buildings and little little miracles and mercy drops here and there, is because we be young and very naive! It's because we did not see the days of the showers!!! Any true elder in the church, any true elder you meet, you will notice that he/she is not moved by all the acrobatics going on today, but is sad for the gross deficiency of His presence and power today.
The altar of the Most High God! Jehovah Himself!! is now a performance stage for secular music and dance routines in some places...and sane Christians will say: "You talk too much! What is wrong with this song now?!". . .this is where we are now. Playing with our calling and grace while those who know the gods they worship are re-enforcing everyday. But it is all well.

When Daniel prayed: he didn't point at that fake prophet, or that loose Pastor, or that Divorced Apostle, he came in repentance for the sins of his fathers' and his as well, acknowledging that they had all sinned, knowing that if the Father forgives and visits His people again, he will purge them as with a refiner's fire, taking away all that don't fit in. Only then can the sacrifices of Jacob be acceptable, and the worship of Israel pleasing unto Him.

This is not a call to mindless prayer and ceaseless thought provoking conversations, rather this is a call to repentance and a return to the path of the Fathers. . .to the Old Paths. So that there will be a Christianity to hand over to the coming generation.

I pray that GOD gives every reader of this article understanding of the words therein and give them Grace to stand through His Holy Son Jesus, Amen.

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