Friday 11 March 2016

Apostle Johnson Suleman addresses the new Kaduna laws

Apostle Johnson Suleman of Omega Fire Ministries took to twitter on Thursday to say some really fierce things about the new laws stipulated in Kaduna State which is regarded by many as anti-Christian.

Some of the laws are as follows
- In Kaduna you cannot preach
without license

- Every preacher will have to go
and get ONLY one year license
(renewable every year). That is,
you must always preach without
an expired license or you risk 2
years imprisonment.

- If you invite any external
preacher (i.e. preacher outside
Kaduna state), such a person must
be licensed for the duration of his/
her stay and the body issuing the
license has the right to reject
external preacher they feel is not
qualify to preach in Kaduna state.

- Every preacher who want to be
licensed will appear before a
screening committee. If he/she
scales through, he/she will only be
given licensed for one year.

- The law criminalizes the use of
CDS, Flash Drive and other
communication gadgets except in
religious building or inside your

- That means, you will be arrested
for listening to preaching or
religious music inside your cars or
in any open place except in your
house or religious building.

- If you preach without license, you
are guilty of offense punishable
with 2 years imprisonment or a
fine of 200,000.

- You can’t use microphone in your
church after 8pm you are guilty of
offense punishable with 2 years’
imprisonment or a fine of 200,000.

- Since all preaching must be done
within a building, it means public
evangelism will be criminalized.
Those who preach early morning,
known by some as morning cry
and preaching inside bus if
arrested will be fined N200,000.

- This could also means, people
will not be allowed to go out for
evangelism on streets or move
with vehicles with address systems
to advertise their program

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