Friday 18 March 2016

Meet the toddler who eats PAINT, carpet, washing powder, stones - and even insects

A toddler is literally eating her family out of house and home because of a rare condition that makes her crave everything from the carpets to paint. Three-year-old Maddie Moore has consumed washing powder, cooking oil, clumps of carpet, stones, plaster, wood, plastic, sand, duct tape, bugs, paint, pens, Play-Doh and toilet roll. The youngster suffers from Pica, a rare impulsive disorder meaning she has cravings to eat non-food substances. Even the children’s centre she goes to has taken the unusual step of making her edible toys to keep her safe. Her mum Catherine Mullins has to keep a constant eye on Maddie to make sure she doesn’t choke or eat something that could damage her insides.

Catherine, 26, said: “She’s certainly unique. Most professionals who meet her say they’ve never met a child quite like Maddie. “If she could, she would eat everything. I’m always worried about what she’ll try to eat next. Everything goes to her mouth. “Sometimes, I have to put my fingers in her mouth and hook the food out to stop her choking.

“You literally can’t take your eyes off her for a minute so our house never shuts down.” She noticed Maddie started putting strange objects in her mouth just before she turned one, when she began crawling. Maddie’s behaviour prompted tests and assessments at her two-year health check and she was diagnosed with Pica in September last year. She also suffers from autism, developmental delay and sensory process disorder, which causes her to bounce, spin and climb at any opportunity. At night she has to be zipped into a specialist bed to stop her harming herself while her parents and four-year-old sister Lilly sleep.

Catherine is kept so busy supervising her daughter she has lost three stone. Pica is an eating disorder most common in people with learning disabilities and during pregnancy. It can be potentially life-threatening, with risks ranging from vomiting, constipation and infections to blockages in the gut and intestines, choking and poisoning. In some cases surgery may be needed to remove objects from an individual’s gut or to repair tissue injuries. Maddie has never had to go to hospital but is often at the doctors for digestive illnesses. 
As she gets older, her interest in normal food has worsened and she only eats foods of a particular colour and texture - like potato waffles, fish fingers and chicken burgers.Catherine said: “It started with her picking up and eating small items of fluff and paper, any bits she could find from the floor. “Then her cravings became more and more intense. We can’t have anything on the walls like displays or paintings because she’ll eat them. “Lilly can’t do any drawing or crafts because Maddie will eat the pencils and paints. “I literally have to hide anything dangerous. We have child locks but she’s very clever and susses them out. “Yesterday she ate a whole pack of chalks when I wasn’t looking, but her favourites are Play-Doh, sand and dirt.”
Maddie goes to a special educational needs group run by Barnardo’s and staff have made her edible playdough with condensed milk. Charlotte Turton, a Barnardo’s project worker at the centre, said: “We’ve always made our own playdough with salt, flour and water but Maddie was eating a lot of it and it has too much salt in it to be edible so it wasn’t really good for her. “I found a different recipe made with just condensed milk and cornflour and I make that every week instead so we don’t have to worry about how much she eats. “I flavour it with different things so she gets different smells and flavours, which is good for sensory play. We’ve made it with peppermint, almond, coffee and even curry.”
Catherine hasn’t been able to go back to work as a childminder as she and dad Sonny Moore, 29, have to care for Maddie round the clock. The family live in a small two-bedroom flat in Bournemouth, Dorset, but have appealed to the council for a bigger home so Lilly and Maddie can have their own rooms.

“I can’t go anywhere with her - not even to a cafe or the supermarket," said Catherine. “Our flat is so small, there isn’t space to even use the sensory equipment we have been funded which would really help Maddie.
“It’s hard because due to her condition she can’t go outside much either. She needs to be safe because of her complex needs so to have somewhere where she could have the space to play and Lilly could rest too, would be a dream come true. “Nothing in our life is normal, every aspect is affected and it’s very tough on Lilly too. “Every day is a struggle but she’s worth it. Maddie is such a character. “I feel really lucky because she is so quirky and different. I love her so much.”

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